Our goal is to create a home for our client that’s organized, functional, easy to maintain and beautiful.


Getting organized is a process, and it can be overwhelming knowing where to start or even trying to figure out when you’re going to squeeze the time into your overflowing schedule. That’s where our custom organizational plans create vision and action steps so our client and the team know where to start and how to best reach the goals she has.

We understand how it is to be incredibly busy with kids, a husband, and work and need several extra sets of hands to get the work done. Our all-inclusive organizing services free our client up to be able to do other important tasks while we carry out the work. And when we leave your home we’ll haul away a load of trash, donations and/or recycling with us. That’s one thing that our clients tell us they love… that it can be done and the excess gone that day! And there’s no extra charge for a haul away load.

We hear clients say all the time that they could organize someone else’s house, but when it comes to their own they get completely overwhelmed. We get it. It’s helpful to have a fresh pair of eyes to bring new vision to a space, and have everything organized in a way that’ll work well for you and your family.

We won’t just simply organize your belongs and hope you can carry on with it. We’ll take the time to understand how you live and function in your home and we’ll create systems that will be easy for you and your family to maintain long after we’re done. And if you need our assistance throughout the year we can come for refresher/tidy-up sessions.

It brings us joy to declutter, organize and create systems for our clients. We’re so blessed to offer this service that we enjoy doing and that helps others along the way.


Do you want to walk into your home and feel a sense of calm and order?

Have you moved and need help unpacking and organizing your belongings?

Are you capable of organizing your home, but simply lack the time and energy to do it?

 We can take care of it all for you.

Take action and invest in yourself today.
You deserve it.




Some fun facts about Penny,
owner of The Orderly Sort:

• She loves Jesus a lot and is active in her church

• She loves her 3 spunky boys & caring, supportive hubby

• She enjoys documentaries, learning new things, flower gardens, & Lily’s Dark Chocolate

• She’s the baby of the family, but by 5 years, so she has some characteristics of a first born

• She loves to laugh